
Regional Sponsored Skilled Migration Scheme Visa (RSMS)

RSMS Visa is a permanent employer-sponsored visa that needs a job offer in an Australian Regional area.

RSMS Application Stages

RSMS application consists of three stages as mentioned below:

  1. RCB Certification: The Regional Certifying Body (RCB) ensures your genuine position and in many cases, it requires that the position is advertised.
  2. Nomination: Department of Immigration review your position and your business.
  3. Visa Application: There are 3 pathways and the skill level is generally lower than the ENS program. Your age must be under 50 except any exceptional circumstance applies.

RSMS Regional Areas

You must be offered a position in a regional area of Australia in order to be granted an RSMS visa. The Department of Immigration will specify the regional area by a postal code.

The following regional areas of Australia are considered for RSMS sponsorship:

  1. Whole South Australia
  2. Whole Western Australia
  3. Whole Tasmania
  4. Whole ACT
  5. Whole Northern Territory
  6. All areas of New South Wales (NSW) except Sydney, Wollongong, and Newcastle.
  7. All areas of Victoria except Melbourne
  8. All areas of Queensland except Brisbane

RSMS Application Pathways

There are 3 pathways for the application of RSMS Visa:

  1. Temporary Residence Transition: This position will require the applicants to have work experience with the employer under 457 visas for the last 2 years. No RCB certification is required in this case.
  2. Direct Entry Stream: This required to be certified by an RCB. The applicants in the trade occupation might require a formal skills assessment.
  3. Agreement Stream: The applicant must have a labour agreement for this position.

Benefits Of Applying For RSMS Over ENS Visa

RSMS requirements are straightforward than ENS in a number of below ways:

  1. No Training requirement is needed by the employer.
  2. The applicant is required to have a lower level skill for Direct Entry Stream. No minimum work experience and skills assessment are required for most of the applicants.
  3. The employer can apply for RSMS in a wider range of occupation than in ENS visa.
  4. It’s the highest priority visa in the skilled migration stream.

Common Issues With RSMS Visa

Employers face the below difficulties when obtaining an RSMS visa:

  1. Identifying correct eligibility stream.
  2. Getting an approval from RCB (each RCB approval has different criteria and needs to be negotiated individually with the RCB).
  3. Showing the exceptional circumstances where the applicants would not meet the usual requirements like the English language ability, and skill level.

The refusal rates of RSMS visa is higher as compared to other corporate visas. Self-lodging generally misses important requirements. Consult an expert consultancy for all your issues to be solved smoothly. Contact us and find how we can assist you with your RSMS visa application.

NOTE : If you would like HFE to assist you please book your appointment or CLICK HERE FOR FREE ASSESSMENT

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